Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spiritual Blessings

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." Ephesians1:3 NKJ

I have such a desire to minister to people and to pray for them for healing. It seems that often, I am not in the right frame of mind to be a truly strong prayer. I have been to a friend's lately and refrained from praying for her because I didn't feel strong.

Sunday, I was eating ice cream and enjoying it very much, thank you. I got a phone call in the middle of it from this friend. It turns out she wanted me to come see her right away about some matter. I (reluctantly in my mind) went off to see her. I was far from being in a generous mood. When I saw her and heard her story, compassion fell on me and the prayer just came from my lips, anointed and powerful. It wasn't me or anything to do with me, just God loving another person through me. He helped me remember all sorts of scriptures. We talked and I prayed some more. It turned out to be a glorious encounter. The results are in His hands.

I just want to let you know that God has given you spiritual blessings. They are there to use for Him any time. You don't have to feel spiritual. So the next time you get the chance to pray for someone or minister, don't give yourself an exam to see if you are ready. If you've put the Word in you, it will come out when and how The Lord wills. Doesn't this just make your day? I came home a different person.


  1. Those God prayers are powerful! We only need to obey and the rest is in His hands. :O)

  2. I love what you said about don't give yourself an exam to see if we are reafy-- I tend to do that and will remember your words.

  3. thank you for being transparent.

    i heard a man tell of how a very ill person asked him to pray & he asked, "what if you don't get better?" she answered, "i didn't expect you to HEAL me; just pray." Wow.

  4. What a wonderful reminder of the Holy Spirit always being at work within us:)

  5. "So the next time you get the chance to pray for someone or minister, don't give yourself an exam to see if you are ready. If you've put the Word in you, it will come out when and how The Lord wills." I love this, Nancy. He's the powerhouse, not us. But He's given us His name and His authority to use it, so we can be bold in prayer. I have an easier time asking boldly for other than for myself sometimes.

    I'm glad you had a glorious time with your friend. I'm proud of you for leaving your ice cream.
