Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Little Steps

Take steps to Me. How far can you come? Walk as far as you can. When you get wobbly or feel that you would fall, look up for I am there to take your hands and receive you. Take those steps little one and when you see Me waiting there, lunge at Me. I will catch you up and hug you and twirl you around and kiss you.

Yes, you probably can walk all those long steps My way. But I love it that you see My smile. I love it that you are so anxious to be in My arms - with Me that you don't bother to finish. Reach. You know I will never let you fall. I love it that you trust Me to do that. You are becoming more steady all the time. You are alive with relationship. That makes Me smile.

(Teach me little one, what it's like to fully trust. For of such is the Kingdom of heaven. It's been a long time since I could just let go and rush forward, knowing that I'd be alright. Teach me, little one, the joy of something new. I'd forgotten what new is like. Let me learn patience as everything you do is right on schedule. You don't rush. You are in the moment and now, so am I.)


  1. Wow. Beatiful. Thanks for sharing this from your prayer journal. I love it!

  2. This was beautiful--it made me think of my grandson and how childlike we are when we come to know God.

  3. Lovely and humbling. We are such little ones in the hands of our Lord.

  4. Lovely thoughts! Have a great week :O)

  5. Hi Nancy -

    Thank you for a lovely post!

    Susan :)
