I love the story of the kings, or wise men, because it extends Christmas a little bit. The second chapter of Matthew tells of how they searched for the young Child and the text says they went into the house and worshiped Him. I don't know the period of time between the birth and the king's arrival, but they were still in Bethlehem. This doesn't ruin the story for me. It doesn't bother me that my manger scene has the kings in attendance. Who wants two scenes across the room from each other, one of the shepherds and one of the kings? The important thing is that both rich and poor, wise and simple worshipped the King. It's kind of neat how the traditional grouping represents everyone. Some of them have ethnic figures. All can be and are represented. Even a little shepherd boy could represent the children. Mary can represent the women since she was the first to adore Him.
I love that the kings outsmarted King Herod. I love how many dreams are involved in this whole nativity story, all to protect our wonderful Savior. I love that since the gifts came later, we can go into the new year and extend Christmas with our gifts of love and service. Christmas never truly ends. The story just goes on with all the wonderful things Jesus did and up to and through the cross. And finally we (in Acts and beyond) become a part of it. How I want to rejoice with all of this glorious Good News.
My heart's desire is that you may have a very blessed and Happy New Year! Nancy