Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More Creating

I had an opportunity to go with our church intercessors group to a prophetic art seminar. Friday evening, we heard about blocks to creativity and how important it is to use your gift. I knew that one of our ladies worked in pastels, another blew the shofar and wanted to try pastels, and another painted in canvas. I had determined to try drawing again and borrowing one friend's chalks. I had a year of art in college and found that my drawing was not good enough to go on in the subject and make a living at it. So, I switched to education and have been in teaching ever since. My desire to create in the visual arts has always lingered. I dabbled in collages, paper cutting, and watercolors over the years. I am always happiest when I am busy pulling things together and trying to create something in that way.

So I planned to use the pastels and I got a picture in my head of what I believed the Lord wanted me to draw. The problem was, I was to do a duck and I wasn't sure I could execute it properly. But we were told that we were to play, have fun, and go beyond our comfort zone. So I used yellows and blues for water and greens for foliage and had quite a time trying to figure out how to do all of the background between my objects. Well, it was fun. No one said how great it was or even commented on it. They were all too busy working on their pictures. I wasn't chosen as one to go up and share either. It turns out my duck actually looks ducky and I learned that I love to draw foliage. Also, the Lord gently showed me how to shade around the animal, to give it weight.

Now my first picture wasn't anything much, certainly not something to give away to show off. But God said, "Just keep the pictures to yourself for awhile, then I'll give you a ministry." So I'm not off the hook. I believe that I am to go ahead and do more with drawing. I may use colored pencils or even crayons instead, but anything will do for a start. I am going for my paper and materials this weekend.

One little side note that touched my heart. Just as I was about to think this art thing wasn't for me after all, I was scrounging around in my old stamps to find some for my Valentines I plan to make and I found a sticker. It said, "Neglect not the gift that is in you." So I'm overjoyed to add more creativity to my writing and maybe put the two together somehow. I love having a new thing in my life for this new year.


  1. I've always wished I could draw but never had the talent for it. I think my talents lie elsewhere but I still love to watch an artist at work. I had a friend who could sit down and whip out a wonderful drawing of a dog or other animal in a couple of minutes. The best I can claim is being relatively good at Pictionary! :)

    I'm sure you'll really enjoy combining your drawing and writing! :)

  2. Cool! I used to draw quite a bit but when you don't practice, you lose the skill. You'll get it going. Congrats on finding something fun to do!

  3. Hi Nancy -

    You're a talented lady! Maybe you'll be able to illustrate books.

    I wish I could draw. When I taught Sunday School, the kids would giggle at my rather sad stick figures.

    Susan :)

  4. I think it's great that you are dabbling in the arts. Good for you. And, you can always decorate your fridge with your own masterpieces now. :)

  5. Hello again, I just stopped back by to let you know I gave you two blogging awards! :) If you're into that kind of thing that is! Just stop by my blog for the details if you want to. :)

  6. My wife always tells me, "your never to old to learn something new". As I read through many blogs a week, I learn something new almost everyday :-)

    Take care and keep up the good work :-)


  7. At least you are doing it and having fun Nancy! That's what counts:)))

  8. i've heard of prophetic prayer, but not art...and i love how the Father confirms things by His Word in the most unexpected places and at unexpected times! :)

    frozen hugs.

  9. That sticker may very well have come to your attention at that time for a reason...
