Saturday, January 30, 2010

Acting and Pretending

Yesterday was a very unusual day. I woke up early and had a nice talk with the Lord and then went back to sleep thinking what a lovely day it would be. Later in the day, I found out I had a mistake in my checking and was out some money. Then even later, I discovered that our health care was going to be higher than last year.

In between, I was able to get some very cute digital pictures and I did it completely with no help. That's an accomplishment for me since there's so much to fix on most of mine. All of the pics were lighted properly and no heads were cut down. I also received a lovely wedding picture from my son and new daughter in law.

There are so many things that can weigh me down. I make it a point to not let them. There's a chapter in "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis called "Let's Pretend." I love it. It talks about how to put on good values, emotions, characteristics, even feelings. The Bible talks of this as "putting on the New Man" or "putting on Christ." This idea has helped me so much.

It may seem like I am a huge optimist and that at times I don't see the reality of a situation. That would be a wrong assumption. It is because I have tended to be negative in my life that I try so hard to put on these good attitudes of hope, love, peace, and belief in the promises, no matter what.

For me, there's a whole lot of joy in pretending. I don't wear a mask. I am pretty much what you see and read about, but in this sense, I strive to be more than I am. Because that causes the whole world to open up and play with me. Even on days like yesterday, I chose to thank God for the good things, and there were many. God always moves in and takes me higher when I "act as though" I am happy and suddenly, I am.


  1. I love your attitude. I have tried so much to do that during these past two years--cause there is always something good to be happy about even in the very worst of situations.

  2. This is what we all love about are "the real deal" and I praise GOD for it...HE uses you in a profound way!

  3. Hi Nancy -

    Beautiful post. Joy and happiness are two different things. You hit a bullseye with your thankful attitude.

    Susan :)

  4. Interesting spin on "pretending." I like it :). I find joy and love often come in forms of chocies. Many days I have to CHOOSE to love someone or something because my heart knows it's right.

    I wish it all came natural...

  5. Putting on the new man, I love how you tied that in to our daily attitudes. It's great that you give thanks in everthing. :-) Wonderful attitude.

    I hope things get worked out with the insurance and stuff.

  6. Oh, how I love my blogger friends. Such a great joy to share in each other's lives!

  7. Hope you don't mind. I added a link to this blog on arise 2 write.

  8. Nancy: I love this idea. It's not really pretending, but using our faith to bring into this earth what is already in Heaven, don't you think?

    Blessings on you as you "pretend" to be full of joy and hope,

  9. Andrea - thank you so much. I love the idea.

    Jeanette - I agree with you. You must be pretending very well as all of your pictures seem full of joy and life.
