"Greet all the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send greetings. All the saints send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar's household." Phil.4:21,22 NIV
I thought that was curious when I read it. The Student Bible explains that when Paul was in jail in Rome and wrote to the Phillippians, there were conversions daily in the Roman palace with the soldiers and guards due to Paul's ministry. So these converted people were most anxious to greet the people of Phillippi They were new, they were excited. They wanted to share the good news.
I also thought of godly people who might work with or near people of influence in the world, with presidents, prime ministers, leaders. These servants and friends can have a wonderful effect on a daily basis. We can pray for them even though we don't know their names. We can thank God that He works in many ways, even in Caesar's household.
Father, we give thanks to you for your many ways of working, for all You do, for all You are. Amen
(It comforts me to think on these things and partner with them. Nancy)
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