Monday, July 20, 2009


What are you passionate about these days? The Lord asked me that question awhile ago.
Let's see. I'm passionate about justice or lack thereof. I am very excited about healing. I'm wild about salvation and the way a person can be changed completely into a new man.
I love the words the Lard speaks to me. I love the idea of leaving my mark, or more importantly doing the thing I was called for - even though I'm still searching. I'm passionate about worship and joy and more joy.
I'm crazy about the written word, the way the written word can move a person, the beauty of a phrase.
It's hard to explain how I just get so moved with words. Dawn - my daughter's name. It's supposed to be the most beautiful word in the English language. The words "the Dayspring on high," and "deep calls to deep," from the Bible.
I have a little manilla envelope chock full of quotes. They are from non-fiction, novels, the radio, church signs, road signs, and anything that moves me. My quotes don't just sound good, they inspire. They say things in a different way, cause me to go in a new direction.
I hope that somethwhere in my blog someone will find something to remember. Nancy


  1. I can tell by this post how passionate you truly are:) And that is wonderful. Passion will keep you going even on those days when you want to give up.
    I'm passionate about people connecting where they live--so I started a woman's group and am praying it does what I hope it will!

  2. Yes, I hope your group is everything you want, Terri.

  3. Nancy:
    It's so great that the passion filling your heart is about Jesus, God's word, and special words! I like that.

    I am passionate about people. Helping them find out who they are in Christ, loving them, and encouraging them whereever they are in their walk. This is why I write. This is my purpose in life.

    Thanks for this post! And for your kind and sweet compliment on my blog today.

    Jen, Audience of ONE

  4. Words are so moving! I think that's part of why I love writing so much!
