The old year will soon be over. As a whole, I'd say that this was a good year. We were able to take our dream vacation, a cruise to Alaska. That memory will live with me always. I had some medical tests done which came out showing healthy results. All year, I got to spend time with my grandson and watch him grow. He went from being an older baby to being quite the little boy. He talks, he plays games, and we have a special relationship going.
My daughter got a good job and she and her husband moved to Tennessee. They are enjoying the good weather there. Our other son is doing well and he and his wife have become pretty good cooks.
My husband successfully came through a knee replacement. He is much better. I had a year of learning a lot about myself and where I want to be with ministry and the Lord. He was so faithful to teach me so many new ways of growing. I am desiring to increase these lessons in the New Year.
I just read an email about the future which contained a dark cloud. I know the Lord's words don't change no matter what the situation. "Fret not." He has been my help from birth and I know that He will see me and my family through anything that is in the world. We belong to Him and that is such a comfort.
I believe the Lord wants us to expect good things. We can be prepared and should be, but He has the ability to care for us and all who come to Him and are under His sheltering arms.
So with these thoughts in mind, I'd like to give one last line from a carol, Joy To The World. "He comes to make, His blessings flow, far as the curse is found." Have a Happy New Year.